Women Who Run With The Wolves (ep-83)

Hey Divas,

Today on the podcast we are talking about the wild woman archetype and what it means to be a Wild Woman?

I keep hearing experts, healers, coaches, podcasters use the term ‘wild woman’ and honestly, I never fully understood what they mean.

Wild – meaning crazy, out of control, insane, sent loose?

Not really.

Today on the show I will share a great book that illuminated my understanding of what it means to live your life to the wildest and how this very archetype is behind the health of our families, communities and the world at large.

It all begins with you claiming your power, your fire, your belief in yourself, courageously, unashamedly, unapologetically paving the way to live your most authentic self.

If you’re into poetry, storytelling, myths, fairy tales and other forms of sharing ideas and complex psychological theories, this episode is for you!

Do you love reading? I’d love to know what you’ve been reading lately, please share below 🙂

Enjoy listening!!



p.s. Today on the podcast I also share a new and exciting segment that is coming up on the show! I will be doing On-Air-Coaching Calls which are pre-recorded coaching calls with listeners of the show! This is your opportunity to be coached for free on my show (anonymously of course). If you are interested, book your time slot here: www.healthbeginswithmom.com/diva

Show Notes

Women Who Run With The Wolves, by Clarissa Pinkola Estés