140. Movement In Tune With The Rhythms of Your Female Cycle with Jenn Pike

Today on the podcast I get to geek out with my colleague Jenn Pike, a Registered holistic nutritionist and medical exercise specialist all about the female cycle and how to sync our movement in alignment with the four phases of our menstrual cycle.

This has been such a fun conversation!

If you love talking about the female body, movement, energy, embodiment, and all things women’s health this is an episode you don’t want to miss!

As women we cycle through a rhythm of a four phase cycle, like Jenn said in this episode, we’ve been thought that our period is the main event, however it’s not the only event. Our menstrual cycle is divided into four distinct phases which affect how we feel, what we want to eat, our libido and sex drive we want to connect intimately, they affect how we sleep, and the last main thing affected is our bowel movements.

These are the six female markers which I teach my clients to pay attention to when they are on a journey back to themselves and their body. This is super important when we, women are learning to engage more of our feminine energy and as a result step into our most confident, energized and sexy self. This is our superpower and I am so excited for you to meet Jenn and try out her newest program Synced which is what we’re going to talk about on today’s show.

Highlights from the interview

  • Jenn’s story and how she got into the women’s health industry
  • Women’s bodies women’s wisdom – your body is your best health coach and the best way to take care of yourself.
  • The four phases of the menstrual cycle and how to move your body in alignment with it
  • The energetics of the female menstrual cycle
  • Women’s connection to the moon
  • The difference between a female and a male cycle (men cycle too!)
  • The best way to teach our daughters to live cyclically from a young age
  • Our menstrual cycle is our monthly report card, pay attention to it!
  • How her program can help women with their sex drive and improving libido.
  • In the second part of the interview Jenn shares her definition of feminine power, her non-negotiables for self-care, what makes her feel confident, energized and sexy as a woman.
  • What advice her now mom-self would have given to her now mom-self
  • Jenn’s struggles as a woman
  • And other goodies!

You don’t want to skip this one!

Enjoy listening,



Show Notes


Synced Program

Instagram: @jennpike

The Hormone Project

Jenn’s YouTube Channel

Jenn’s Podcast: Simplicity Sessions

Show Notes

The simplicity project book

Moon calendars on Etsy